The People's Voice LLC (TPV) is a civic/political organization with chapters in Howard and Montgomery Counties.
We provide information to the public via this site, social media, and member emails and mailings, explaining current County plans, hearings and decisions. Our goal is to inform citizens of local government issues that could affect their quality of life, so they can get involved and voice their support or concerns where desired. We seek to improve transparency and community involvement. The HCCA (Howard County Citizens Association) has formed a Civic Coalition with us to combine human resources to help provide this service.
TPV has a PAC that sponsors the Ethics Ballot endorsing local candidates whom we believe put community interests over special interests. We use public information to analyze candidate funding and any perceived conflicts of interest with the position sought. We also use voting records or position data, where available, to make this determination. We use a variety of endorsement procedures to gather information, including interviews, questionnaires and online research. We publicize our questionnaires, of all candidates who respond.